An article written in 2017, Subverting the Federal Merit System, of the “THE COUNCIL” and a comparison to the movie “THE MATRIX”. The videos to the right are a two part series describing THE COUNCIL (CIGIE). The videos feature, Dr. Timothy V. Schindelar, and former Naval Commander Gregory Stenstrom. Click this link here to read the “THE COUNCIL” article, published July 18th, 2024.

The Council” and everyone and everything that emanates from them, has controlled the United States for the past fifty years for the purpose of extracting our nation’s wealth. Our constitutional government and the federal workforce’s purpose is to protect our wealth, and the “public good” of the American people. “The Council’s” purpose is to crush and destroy it.”

Dr. Timothy Schindelar - a global strategic policy analyst known for his broad analytic perspective in designing and implementing force transition programs that optimize institutional efficiencies and rationalize resource operation programs reductions. Educational background includes BS- US Naval Academy , MS- National Security and Strategic Studies, College of Naval Command & Staff , MS- National Resource Strategy, Industrial College of the Armed Forces (ICAF), MA- Security Studies , Georgetown University, DOD Fellow- Near South East Asia Center for Strategic Studies (NESA), Senior Executive Fellow , Harvard University, DSW - University of California


“State Capture of the Federal Government by the Inspector General  Construct: The “Matrix” in Real Life 

STATE CAPTURE: Occurs when the political/business/governmental elites collaboratively  manipulate laws, rules, and regulations to advantage their own private interests.  

The policy of the U.S. government [Transparency & Accountability] is currently threatened by  centrally controlled collusion between global private interests seeking unfettered wealth  extraction from the American people………………”

Read the full article here

Gregory Stenstrom and Leah Hoopes, co-authors of The Parallel Election, have been fighting “THE COUNCIL” for 4 years. Our evidence of massive election fraud of the 2020 election, in Delaware County, PA, was obstructed by the CIGIE.

Real life MATRIX, of which we have taken the red pill ,and have seen the reality. Coming forward publicly with our evidence , assistance of Dr. Schindelar, patriots, and executing on our proactive strategy, we have had national impact. Elections are just a means to an end, they install the people who will answer to the “NOMENCLATURA”. Every whistleblower disclosure, all material facts and investigation into Hunter Biden’s laptop, election fraud, FBI corruption, COVID funding accountability , Ukraine funding accountability consumer fraud, all go to die at the hands of “THE COUNCIL”. They have used everything to isolate, contain and destroy, and the answer is to connect, engage and restore our Republic. That only happens when good people come forward , stand in the gap, shine the light and expose.

Gregory Stenstrom Gregory Stenstrom

WE WON ANOTHER DEFAmation against us..

We won, again. Response to our Motion to Dismiss defamation suit against us in Delaware County, PA, for alleging massive election fraud in 2020. Won in Philadelphia as codefendants with President Trump and Rudy Giuliani earlier last year. 2-0 for “truth is a complete defense.”

This resolves defamation suits against the following people who were collectively sued in Philadelphia and Delaware Counties in PA for defamation regarding Stenstrom and Hoopes statements and evidence that there was massive election fraud in 2020, or commenting, or reporting on it:

a. President Donald Trump

b. Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani

c. Former State of Kansas Attorney General Phil Kline

d. The Thomas More Society

e. Attorney Jenna Ellis

f. Newsmax Media, Inc.

g. America First, Inc.

h. The Federalist

i. Attorney Margot Cleveland

j. Former White House Deputy Press Secretary Hogan Gidley

k. Newsmax Journalist Luca Cacciatore

l. Fox News Journalist Rob Schmitt

m. Gregory Stenstrom

n. Leah Hoopes

o. Regina Miller Manidis

Semper Fi.

Gregory Stenstrom

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Gregory Stenstrom Gregory Stenstrom

Lawfare continues…

Duane Morris, a law firm, had a total revenue of $648,804,000 in 2023. The firm's profit per equity partner was $1,181,000. Their partner J Manly Parks and his associate Nicholas Centrella are contracted with Delaware County PA. They filed a frivolous lawsuit against Greg Stenström and I ,for listen to this malicious prosecution. We represent ourselves in court and are going up against an International lawfirm. Who has since blocked me from tagging them on social media platforms after I sent a cease and desist email ,and FBI complaint.

48 hours ago I filed an FBI complaint naming Duane Morris partner James Manly Parks, Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, Delaware County District Attorney Jack Stollsteimer, Delaware County Director of Elections James Allen, and Delaware County Council member Christine Reuther for public corruption. Also I generated a cease and desist letter to Duane Morris , their partners, law enforcement, government officials, news media and other victims of law fare familiar with reprisal. See link here to cease and desist email. I also provided Duane Morris and cc’d others as to the fraudulent and corrupt billing practices of James Manly Parks and Nicholas Centrella see link here to follow up email.

Christine Reuther , accidentally responded to me in reference to the cease and desist letter she writes

“I don't suppose she appreciates that where our interests align there is no conflict.  Nor is there any likelihood of there being a conflict in the future.

Is there any chance this makes Duane want to back out as election board council?

Christine Reuther

Delaware County Council 

Office: 610-891-4268


I responded to Christine in kind immediately

Attention Christine Reuther 

Sorry Christine you forgot to hit reply all ,I am all about transparency. While I have your attention what exactly does OUR interests align mean WHAT are you inferring , who is SHE ? You are a public and government official you took an oath. Please elaborate for everyone.


Leah Hoopes

Proverbs 12:22

"The Lord detests lying lips, but He delights in people who are trustworthy"

Just this morning I followed up yet again after I saw Christine did not respond, and was scared to show her face at the County Council meeting last night. Read follow up here.

Good morning

Man what's wrong Christine Reuther ,Board of Elections liaison,cat got your tongue? Didn't want to show your face last night at the meeting? Why ,you didn't want to answer there either about what your email meant when you said OUR INTERESTS ALIGN? Or that you're worried about Duane Morris not wanting to stay on as council for the Board? But why ? Come on Harvard you love to defame ,and slander citizens like myself which I have you recorded in public meetings too many times to even count. And while you sign on to a frivolous lawsuits suing me and Greg Stenström for malicious prosecution.  Oh it gets better looks like Duane Morris has blocked me on all social media platforms ,they don't like the public knowing of the lawfare against two of the people of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Looks like being "educated" doesn't really fair well in a fight against people who grew up with street smarts huh?

Imagine a worldwide lawfirm allowing their partner to write a lawsuit against two private citizens ,and formulate it like contract tort ,but having no contract, nor cause of action. And then try and use discovery to abuse us and violate my Constitutional rights demanding my business records of which my business is not a party to the action, demanding my private conversations and communications which is a warrantless search of my private property, and then here's my favorite part, asking for attorneys fees as a form of damages despite the fact that PA follows the American Rule. Let's not forget the precedent set in the same county they filed in Krassnoski, at 84, 684 A.2d at 638; see 42 Pa.C.S.A. § 2503. Therefore, a statutory provision must explicitly allow for the recovery of attorney’s fees because the words “costs”, “expenses”, and “damages” do not generally include attorney’s fees. Merlino v. Delaware County, 556 Pa. 422, 426, 728 A.2d 949, 951 n. 2 (1999); Twp. of Marple v. Weidman, 149 Pa. Commw. 286, 289, 613 A.2d 94, 95 (1992)

Also noted,  in order to sue under Dragonetti, they must be a prevailing party, which would include a judgment ,womp womp they don't meet that criteria either. They are angry that they tried sanctioning us at least 6 times and lost and act as tyrants because they don't want to be questioned. Folks it definitely looks like reprisal against two witnesses. Let me explain reprisal for the "educated" Reprisal: “An Intentional Response to Protected Activity” . Protected activity would be filing a petition of grievances and redress my government.  

Let me know if you all need more lessons in common law, constitutional rights and how to not pick a fight with one of the people of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 


Leah Hoopes

We are up against a law firm of 900 attorneys with endless funds, many associates, assistance from paralegals and resources. Greg and I do all of our own research, legal work and litigation in the court room. This is a David and Goliath situation, and we need your help and support . God bless everyone and keep fighting the good fight. 

Ephesians 6:10-11  Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.

Article by Leah Hoopes

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Gregory Stenstrom Gregory Stenstrom

Interview with JOe hoft

November 20th 2024 Interview with Joe Hoft to discuss the November 5th 2024 election, and where we go from here …

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Gregory Stenstrom Gregory Stenstrom


Morning , Greg and I , The Federalist, Margot Cleveland, Newsmax and the whistleblower are still being sued in Delaware County for defamation. James Allen and Jim Savage are suing us right her in DELCO. WE have already won our case against Savage in Philadelphia we were co defendants with President Trump .

The law fare is not over people ..

Monday November 25th 2024 in Delaware County PA ,courtroom 8 , 10 am..

UPDATE: In case anyone else besides Alina Habba tries to take credit for the Savage v Trump et al case win...Greg and I won this case ,pro se. Neither Alina nor her partner Michael had anything to do with the Judge Erdos making this opinion, the sanctions or getting Savage to capitulate. President Trumps case attached to us was consolidated and stayed until after his criminal cases were resolved. In the meantime Greg and I continued to fight ,provide the evidence, were offerred settlement and to leave behind President Trump (stayed case) and Mayor Guiliani , we declined. We got to cross examine J Conor Corcoran because he was fighting the ordered sanctions from Judge Erdos ,that ruled in our favor. Why was he sanctioned? Because GREG AND I demanded it after J Conor Corcoran and Savage lied in court, on record, filed false police reports, and attempted to use Civil discovery in a criminal manner and confiscate MINE AND GREGS FIREARMS, PAINT US AS TERRORISTS, FINE US AND SILENCE US

Nobody else was in that Courtroom but us. And yes I will call out those who take credit for work they didn't do, and also let the World know you don't need an attorney ,you need God, the truth and courage.

We will continue to win in court with truth as a complete defense and offense.

I don't care what they take from me ..they will tire out long before we do. I will live in a cardboard box and eat from a dumpster if thats what it takes to hold people accountable.

These pictures are called material facts..this is a collection of investigations over 4 years on James Savage and James Allen , the two men suing us for defamation . I have people ready to testify including those from Cook County Chicago who know James Allen well..

We already won on Philadelphia against Savage in the Savage v Trump et al case. Got Savage's attorney sanctioned ,and license suspended, and closing his practice.

I have a list of 120 people who will be subpoenaed including Josh Shapiro, Bill Barr ,William McSwain, Jack Stollsteimer and every other crumb bum who has anything to do with obstruction of Justice and intimidating us as witnesses.

Lawfare continues against the REAL Patriots..

Once again we will represent ourselves in court and will bring down the house of cards.

What happened at the hearing? Bill Lawerence covers the story link here

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Gregory Stenstrom Gregory Stenstrom

WE WON ! MAssive win in PA

In the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas, Savage v Trump et al case where Leah Hoopes and Gregory Stenstrom were co -defendants with President Trump and Mayor Rudy Guiliani, it was discontinued. WE wore them down for 860 days. The plaintiff and his attorney were unable to dispute a single thing we claimed in our book , witness declarations and also in public statements. It is a fact that the 2020 election in Delaware County, PA was stolen.

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Gregory Stenstrom Gregory Stenstrom



News, Entertainment, Enlightenment

Fayette County Election Machine Update — A request for an emergency injunction was denied this afternoon, Aug. 31, by Fayette County (Pa) Common Pleas Court Judge John F. Wagner to prevent voting machines and other materials from being flown away to who knows where.

Wagner cited lack of standing by plaintiffs, said plaintiff Gregory Stenstrom.

Stenstrom, an election integrity activist from Delaware County, filed jointly with Jon R. Marrietta, Jr.

Marrietta was a candidate in the May 16 Republican primary battle for Fayette County commissioner.

Marrietta’s 5,206 tally was 121 behind Scott Dunn and 554 behind Dave Lohr.

The top two advance to November.

Wagner denied the injunction request.

He told the county representatives, however, “I don’t need to issue you an order to tell you that no election machines or materials are to leave Fayette County.”

Stenstrom said that multiple whistleblowers reported that a medium-sized cargo jet and Gov. Josh Shapiro’s Beech King Air made unscheduled landings about 9:30 a.m. at Connellsville Airport, and that aircrews said they were there to load county election materials onto the cargo jet.

Shapiro was supposedly attending an unpublicized meeting regarding a project, said Stenstrom.

He was reportedly at the meeting for a short time then disappeared for about four hours.

The planes were flown to Arnold Palmer Airport in Latrobe about 25 miles away, Stenstrom says.

The county says the error rate in the May 16 primary for six selected precincts was 1 of 1,489 Republican ballots or .07 percent.

Stenstrom and Marrietta say the error rate was 9.09 percent for mail-in ballots and 1 percent for in-person ballots for an aggregate of 1.72 percent. They say the law requires a county-wide recount for an error rate over .5 percent.

They had asked that certification of the primary be delayed but the county board of elections certified the results last night in an unadvertised meeting.

Stenstrom says this violated the Sunshine Act.

He said they will be appealing to Commonwealth Court.

Stenstrom said he is helping Marrietta because of his integrity and courage.

Documents, videos and photos of what is going on across state can be found at Patriot.Online.


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Gregory Stenstrom Gregory Stenstrom

UpDate on OUR lawsuits August 1st 2023

We have a hearing July 11th at 10 am at the Commonwealth Court of PA, public welcome. The defendants are blocking access to public records, including mail in ballot envelopes and images of these envelopes.

We have many cases pending. 

Our investigation, which involved a whistleblower on the inside of Delaware county election bureau, is pending in the Commonwealth Court of PA. This is the spoliation case in which they were caught red handed spoiling/ridding of election materials, and also fabricating the 2020 election. 

Our 2022 case , originated with a filing before the election, during and after the election. We have evidence again, that shows absent chain of custody, spoliation of election material, violations of election law. The emergency injunction with Judge Dozor, was a spectacle in which he railroaded us for 9 hours , would not allow a single shred of evidence including expert witnesses to testify. The underlying complaint that was required after we filed the injunction is sitting in the Delaware County Court of Common Pleas in which we have waited since Nov 2022 to be assigned a judge. 270 days we have been waiting to be assigned a judge. This case which involved a House Rep candidate Nichole Missino , we found evidence of election law violations, including the SURE system being manipulated ,and mail in ballots being sent to unverified voters. Also we were unable to canvass the ballots and envelopes again. 

Our 2023 case in which we had filed an emergency injunction in the Commonwealth Court, because AGAIN, they blocked our access to canvass the envelopes and ballots. And requested these public records after the election , they fought us tooth and nail and violated the law. We have evidence of election law violations, spoliation of evidence, lack of chain of custody, and conspiracy to violate civil rights. The Department of State gave orders to the County to cover up declarations of envelopes when we requested them through a right to know request. THIS IS UNLAWFUL. The Commonwealth Court hearing , removed the Department of State from fault , and remanded the case to Delaware County Court of COmmon Pleas. The office of open records deemed all of the records we requested to be public record, and said they must not only allow us to inspect them but also duplicate them as well. So the team got together and photographed over 25,000 mail in ballot envelopes and the declarations. We are independently examining them as we speak. 

Lastly The defamation case in Philadelphia, in which myself , Gregory Stenstrom, President Trump and Mayor Guiliani are being sued by ex Delaware County Voting Machine warehouse supervisor James Savage. Greg and I were hit with a request for a protective order in a civil court to confiscate our firearms, muzzle us and fine us, June 20th was the hearing , we won and now we will seek sanctions both the attorney and plaintiff. At that hearing Democrat left wing judge Erdos said we are going to trial and discovery . As of yesterday President Trump was found to have Presidential immunity to what he said during 2020, but does not have immunity for the 2022 letter he sent to the J6 committee and quoted our whistleblower lawsuit. The discovery has been moved out AGAIN until October 2023, and the trial is set for April 2024 . THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE. STAY THE COURSE.

Please feel free to donate to our efforts

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Gregory Stenstrom Gregory Stenstrom

They Tried to take our liberty

Just some of our preliminary objections to the abuse of a legal proceeding….

As you may know, or maybe you do not, we are being sued Defamation case ( we are co defendants with President Trump and Mayor Guiliani ), actually we are being harassed, abused in an attempt to silence us in a defamation case in Philadelphia County. Why, because we are exposing fraud and corruption. Greg Stenstrom and I wrote The Parallel Election to preserve our evidence, to memorialize our efforts and to give others courage to persevere. This defamation case in Philadelphia was filed by James Savage, the ex United Steel Workers Union President, who bartered in the deal with the Obama Administration and The Carlyle Group to purchase the Sunoco refinery in Philadelphia. He was the voting machine warehouse supervisor in Delaware County ,Pennsylvania during the 2020 election. He is currently a defendant in our lawsuit that is sitting in appeals, in which we have undisputed evidence of spoliation of evidence , corruption, and fraud. On June 20th 2023, our answer to the motion Savage’s attorney Conor Corcoran , attempted to use a civil court during discovery, to disarm us, silence us, and extort money from us, by means of fraud , and deceit on the court. We made it known yesterday in that courtroom that we are by definition federal witnesses with pending litigation in the appeals process , we mentioned this fact in an interview with The Absolute Truth host Emerald Robinson, interview with Emerald . Greg and I walked into that court room well prepared, with the armor of God and we won!! Motion was dismissed! Here are the articles explaining the chain of events. Gateway Pundit coverage Bill Lawrence coverage

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Gregory Stenstrom Gregory Stenstrom

Update June 6th 2023

It all begins with an idea.

BOMBSHELL LAWSUIT . Please find our newest lawsuit here Delaware County lawsuit 2023 . This emergency filing, is in regard to the May 16th 2023 primary , in Delaware County , Pennsylvania. The Petition and subsequent requests for emergency injunction have been brought by Delaware County PA Candidate for County Council, Joy Schwartz, and Authorized Representatives Gregory Stenstrom, Leah Hoopes, and Paul Rumley, to obtain an order from the Court to provide them the expended (opened), absentee Mail In Ballot (MIB) outer envelopes, which include the signatures of each voter (more accurately "qualified elector"), which are public records in accordance with PA Election Reform legislation "Act 77."

WARNING!! This is not our first rodeo!! It ALL started in 2020. See here Gettysburg witness testimony

We have remained vigilant since our first filing from the November 2020 election , in Delaware County ,Pennsylvania. See filings here Election Resources

We discuss the fraud in great detail in our book , which can purchased on this website, The Parallel Election. Both of these cases address the destruction of evidence, fake mail in ballots, unauthorized (fraudulent signatures on envelopes), the systems they used to complete the fraud, the players who violate the law and much more. We have remained relentlessly persistent in this fight, despite being called liars, terrorists, grifters, insurrections and much more. We collaborated with MANY efforts in the beginning . In 2020 and 2021 we worked with The Amistad Project (Phil Kline). Remember the truck driver? Jesse Morgan, who drove pre filled in ballots from BethPage New York to PA? The Amistad Project who hired Colonel Tony Schaffer to investigate Jesse Morgan and his story, was shut down by former US AG Bill Barr. There was a conference with whistleblowers in Arlington Virginia, that included Jesse and Greg Stenstrom. Arlington Conference

Greg Stensrom (co-author , Gettysburg witness, plaintiff) was a part of that conference ,as a witness to the fraud in Delaware County, PA. And just like what occurred with Tony Schaffer, of whom we had collaborated with, our investigation that was given to former US Attorney Bill Mcswain, was ALSO shut down by Bill Barr. Bill Barr said our claims were debunked and called it BS!! He never even investigated , see link Bill Barr claims

We continue to move forward, our evidence undisputed, and our strategy is laser focused. We fight in our back yard!! We live in Delaware County, so this is where our fight has remained, and we are WINNING!! Our message has never changed, neither has our account of events , our evidence remains undisputed.. Please find interviews here Interviews from 2020-2023

On May 17th 2023, on an interview with Cann Conn (Brian Lupo) we discuss our efforts, our book, and Jesse Morgan. Fast forward to June 5th 2023, The Gateway Pundit , released that the Postal Service Inspector General released their report to show Jesse Morgan has been vindicated.

They will try to shut down the truth, but we the people will prevail . We will continue to file litigation , continue to speak the truth, and we will continue to be vindicated. People will be held accountable!

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